looking at the Peavey JSX/XXX switchable bias circuit I see that its a simple voltage divider with a switch (cleverly using both poles of a DPDT to double up the typical 28-30VDC contact rating) to put the VR19 pot as either series or parallel.
My value table works out like this
forget the negative sign on the percentages!
Does this look accurate for the 24VAC going into a voltage tripler? The 6L6GC setting looks like it would cover all the voltages available to the EL34 setting and go way too cold too, feeding -72v at the extreme setting. I was lead to believe this control gives the stock -55v for 6L6GC setting and when switched to the EL34 setting its at -42v with the pot VR19 in the same position... what am I missing?
My value table works out like this
forget the negative sign on the percentages!
Does this look accurate for the 24VAC going into a voltage tripler? The 6L6GC setting looks like it would cover all the voltages available to the EL34 setting and go way too cold too, feeding -72v at the extreme setting. I was lead to believe this control gives the stock -55v for 6L6GC setting and when switched to the EL34 setting its at -42v with the pot VR19 in the same position... what am I missing?