The reason for the bright hard sound i get when i turn up. Voltage....just too high voltage in the preamp. Before you tell me all about that, let me say i already know and in fact this amp spent the first few years of it's like with very big dropping resistors and voltages as low as 100 VDC at V1. I had some tone back then that i felt was missing today, and while looking thru a folder of old schematics i found one i had labeled as being the circuit i had when i played a particular party which i recall i was thrilled with the amp. Even my bass player loved it and he never commented about my tone. So it hit me i may have lost that certain tone along the way when i at one point decided i should copy marshall's rail and dropped all resistors after the screens to 10k. Apparently that was a big mistake i've been living with now for the last few years. So tonite I dropped the entire B+ AFTER the screens WAYYYYY down with one big resistor to start the PI on forward from. (33k) I may go even lower, as thats how it was in that old schematic. Now when i turn the amp up it's worlds better. No more harsh bright hard tone. Just the same sound louder tho with the added cut of the volume that our ears perceive. But a far better and different thing altogether. Of course now the never ending tweaker in me (that i'm beginning to hate !) wants to start trying the big voltage drop only at certain nodes. But i hope to just leave it, as it's just sweet as hell. I played it for 3 hours off and on after work and i felt like a new guitar player. I never thought I would conquer this issue but it's done done done. I still have the issue of a huge signal into the PI tho, so i may still keep working on that. But thats the last real issue this amp faces. Scares me tho.....if i ever DID get the entire amp right, should i just lay down and die then, or if not what will i live for?