In the process of building from schematic, the Clean Channel of a Peavey Road Master. There is an attenuating cap in parallel with a resistor that serves to make up some sort of filter network for the input to the 2nd stage of gain. This network is connected in series with the output coupling cap from stage one. the output voltage, on the Anode, before the output coupling cap is 230 VDC.
My question is: I only have a 100 VDC rated capacitor at the moment to use in the filter network connected after the output coupling cap. Do you think this will be sufficiently rated for this application? From this filter network the next connection is to the grid of the next gain stage.
My thoughts are the output coupling cap on the Anode will reduce the DC voltage to something much less than 100 VDC?
Thanks for any assistance,
My question is: I only have a 100 VDC rated capacitor at the moment to use in the filter network connected after the output coupling cap. Do you think this will be sufficiently rated for this application? From this filter network the next connection is to the grid of the next gain stage.
My thoughts are the output coupling cap on the Anode will reduce the DC voltage to something much less than 100 VDC?
Thanks for any assistance,