Hi chaps-
got myself a self-built p-to-p 5F1 amp from someone I know: it has an odd xfmr assortment, but works (& sounds pretty good). The circuit/ board I checked over and as per a std tweed 5F1. 5y3/ 6v6gt/ 12ax7.
Few Q's I need help on tho. First are the xfmrs. It has a Vyse OT: very small and afaict only 2w (told it was from a Vyse Champ but its size and relatively low volume does suggest it is a 2w, not a larger sized 5w I was expecting, of whatever quality it may have been). The PT is from the seller's amp tech, who rewound a fender PT from 70's from 110v to 230v, for use in a Champ- presumably to Champ specs: its 325v-0-325v with the usual 5v and 6.3v secondaries. The Q is whether the PT (quite a lump/ ~same size as a tweed deluxe PT) and the small 2w OT are ok together (and whether it can be called a Champ if 2w?). This tiddler OT is actually quality uk-made as Vyse's xfmrs are which is good to know, not some chinese junk.
2nd Q is the OT output: its wired from the 4 ohm tap (I think this is std Champ) and Im testing via a 5w 4 ohm radio spkr. As its got 4/8/16ohm secondaries it would save me buying a 4ohm speaker (another spend I could do without at the mo) if I could use it into my 8 Ohm 1x12" speaker cabinet (~50w/ its a bog std eminence type, peavey labelled). Is this an ok idea? or will the essence of the Champ be lost/ is one of the main ingredients for that tone dialed-up tone inherrant to its 4 ohm 8" speaker.. and if ok, will the 12" higher w rating of 50w mean it stays clean dialed up- or it ain't neccessarily so?
Thank, Sea Chief.
got myself a self-built p-to-p 5F1 amp from someone I know: it has an odd xfmr assortment, but works (& sounds pretty good). The circuit/ board I checked over and as per a std tweed 5F1. 5y3/ 6v6gt/ 12ax7.
Few Q's I need help on tho. First are the xfmrs. It has a Vyse OT: very small and afaict only 2w (told it was from a Vyse Champ but its size and relatively low volume does suggest it is a 2w, not a larger sized 5w I was expecting, of whatever quality it may have been). The PT is from the seller's amp tech, who rewound a fender PT from 70's from 110v to 230v, for use in a Champ- presumably to Champ specs: its 325v-0-325v with the usual 5v and 6.3v secondaries. The Q is whether the PT (quite a lump/ ~same size as a tweed deluxe PT) and the small 2w OT are ok together (and whether it can be called a Champ if 2w?). This tiddler OT is actually quality uk-made as Vyse's xfmrs are which is good to know, not some chinese junk.
2nd Q is the OT output: its wired from the 4 ohm tap (I think this is std Champ) and Im testing via a 5w 4 ohm radio spkr. As its got 4/8/16ohm secondaries it would save me buying a 4ohm speaker (another spend I could do without at the mo) if I could use it into my 8 Ohm 1x12" speaker cabinet (~50w/ its a bog std eminence type, peavey labelled). Is this an ok idea? or will the essence of the Champ be lost/ is one of the main ingredients for that tone dialed-up tone inherrant to its 4 ohm 8" speaker.. and if ok, will the 12" higher w rating of 50w mean it stays clean dialed up- or it ain't neccessarily so?
Thank, Sea Chief.