Does anyone know the voltage and amperage specs for the Hot Rod Deluxe transformers?
Voltages are easy enough, but I have not found any thing about listed specs, and do not have the means to measure amps.
I read a thread recently about someone who took their Hot Rod Deluxe and converted it into a Plexi. Gutted circuits and dropped in his own. Got me thinking. I have a Marshall 800 and a HiWatt 50W amp I am wanting to make, and this seemed like a good approach. Probably the HiWatt, only requires one extra hole for a 12AX7. Wanting to see if the existing PT will work for this project.
Voltages are easy enough, but I have not found any thing about listed specs, and do not have the means to measure amps.
I read a thread recently about someone who took their Hot Rod Deluxe and converted it into a Plexi. Gutted circuits and dropped in his own. Got me thinking. I have a Marshall 800 and a HiWatt 50W amp I am wanting to make, and this seemed like a good approach. Probably the HiWatt, only requires one extra hole for a 12AX7. Wanting to see if the existing PT will work for this project.