Here is one: Mywatt 200 - Weber-Amps Kompromisslose Einkanäler
Apparently even the 400 W-Version of this maker is also equipped entirely with 12AX7s.
I noticed this by chance and was really surprised to see this.
To my understanding, the larger gain of the stage should result in a larger open loop gain of the driver/pi stage - if the load of the power stage is not too heavy. This should result in a cleaner tone, but also a sharper switch to overdrive and a fuzzier tone.
My goal is actually understanding the tonal differences between the Mywatts and the Hiwatts.
And indeed, i am going to swap in an ECC81 as soon as my current health issues permit (i may not carry heavy loads fir the next time).
Apparently even the 400 W-Version of this maker is also equipped entirely with 12AX7s.
I noticed this by chance and was really surprised to see this.
To my understanding, the larger gain of the stage should result in a larger open loop gain of the driver/pi stage - if the load of the power stage is not too heavy. This should result in a cleaner tone, but also a sharper switch to overdrive and a fuzzier tone.
My goal is actually understanding the tonal differences between the Mywatts and the Hiwatts.
And indeed, i am going to swap in an ECC81 as soon as my current health issues permit (i may not carry heavy loads fir the next time).