I recently made a SE EL84 with an M6 opt and it seemed to have a bit more detail going through than other amps I have built with the same configuration. Of course this is totally subjective-- to wonder if the difference is due to the metal when there are so many things that are not identical, amp to amp.
I have never been able to A/B the effects of different metals in output transformers. Assume operation below magnetic saturation, has any one ever subbed a, say, Hammond grade opt for a similar one made of M6 or ..., in a situation where the differing metals were the main variable?
Anyone had any experience contrasting the sounds of OPT metals? If I want more "inner detail" do I want laminations of more exotic metals or will larger transformers of less expensive alloys sound the same? Let's ignore the changes due to a larger area coil for less permeable metals, for the sake of clarity.
I have never been able to A/B the effects of different metals in output transformers. Assume operation below magnetic saturation, has any one ever subbed a, say, Hammond grade opt for a similar one made of M6 or ..., in a situation where the differing metals were the main variable?
Anyone had any experience contrasting the sounds of OPT metals? If I want more "inner detail" do I want laminations of more exotic metals or will larger transformers of less expensive alloys sound the same? Let's ignore the changes due to a larger area coil for less permeable metals, for the sake of clarity.