Haven't read your distortion page Rob, just killing a few minutes with this thread. Had a couple people going on about soft and hard clipping between tube and SS in one forum. Did not match what I have seen on my scope. Thought I would back my opinion with a picture of a Champ type amp just at the onset of clipping and a little way into it rather than crank it up all the way where you would get a square-ish wave.
Not rounded even though the level is not much greater. Sorry for the poor capture, the camera I was using was not cooperating. Maybe you can use the Champ as an example of clipping waveforms as well as a push-pull amp, maybe a 5E3. Maybe a shot just starting to clip, mild clipping and hard clipping. It can lead into bias shift, cross over distortion, why biasing the output stage hot helps smooth it out when overdriven. The Champ may be driven hard like the P-P amp but it does not produce crossover distortion but on an 18 Watt it can make the amp sound buzzy, even transistor like (tongue in cheek).
A lot of good points from all here, but some of it may just glaze over some eyes. I think the amount of gain and NFB an amp is an important component of the 'transistor sound' as some complain about. Funny that there are so many SS fuzz pedals and so few tube ones. Maybe it is partly a design thing rather than a device thing. Glad to see everyone willing to pick up the ball and help you run with it here. Probably the best forum of guys that know their stuff.
Not rounded even though the level is not much greater. Sorry for the poor capture, the camera I was using was not cooperating. Maybe you can use the Champ as an example of clipping waveforms as well as a push-pull amp, maybe a 5E3. Maybe a shot just starting to clip, mild clipping and hard clipping. It can lead into bias shift, cross over distortion, why biasing the output stage hot helps smooth it out when overdriven. The Champ may be driven hard like the P-P amp but it does not produce crossover distortion but on an 18 Watt it can make the amp sound buzzy, even transistor like (tongue in cheek).
A lot of good points from all here, but some of it may just glaze over some eyes. I think the amount of gain and NFB an amp is an important component of the 'transistor sound' as some complain about. Funny that there are so many SS fuzz pedals and so few tube ones. Maybe it is partly a design thing rather than a device thing. Glad to see everyone willing to pick up the ball and help you run with it here. Probably the best forum of guys that know their stuff.