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GT-6L6-R Power Tube datasheet request

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  • GT-6L6-R Power Tube datasheet request

    Was looking earlier today on the internet for a datasheet for the Groove Tubes GT-6L6-R to see if there were any specification differences between the -R and other 6L6's. Couldn't find one anywhere for the -R. Went to the Groove Tubes website, they no longer post data sheets (that I could find). The customer support page refers questions about tubes to a Fender Consumer Relations email address. Sent them an email requesting the aforementioned data sheet. Received a response from a Fender Consumer Relations Rep who essentially stated that he did not know what a datasheet was, but could probably provide me an amplifier schematic if I gave him a Fender model designation (I'm looking at using the -R in an amp I'm building, -not a Fender). I replied back asking if he had contact info for their technical support dept, as all 6L6 tubes are not created to be equal and amp schematics would not answer my questions about the GT-6L6-R plate dissipation, etc.., but that email has not yet been answered. Does anybody have a GT-6L6-R datasheet they could post?


  • #2
    I believe the -R means it's a Russian tube (-C for Chinese). Other than that, I'm not sure which factory. Groove Tubes does not make tubes. They buy them and re-brand them. Why not call Groove Tubes directly instead of Fender? Personally, I wouldn't pay extra for that Groove Tubes label. You can get the same tubes elsewhere much cheaper.

    Edit: It may be that they don't list specs because they don't always buy from the same place and tubes are different from batch to batch. That, of course, is pure speculation. I have no knowledge of it being true.

    Edit (again): According to the info here:

    they are Sovtek 5881WXT.

    Last edited by The Dude; 01-30-2016, 12:24 AM.
    "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


    • #3
      The almost-new GT-6L6-R tubes are what I happen to have laying around. I'll try to call them Monday and hope I get somebody other than the Consumer Relations Rep that responded to me, but I was hoping to get the info this weekend. I've seen that max values for 6L6's are not uniform across the different variations.


      • #4
        I updated my post above. There is a datasheet link there now.
        "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


        • #5
          Thanks Dude.


          • #6
            In my experience, the GT label is usually printed on the tube over the original print. I can generally look at the tube and see the Sovtek printing still on the tube beneath the GT paint. You can often identify where the tube came from that way.
            Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


            • #7
              The russian datasheets are extremely conservative.
              As far as I know, the russian 5881/6L6WXT will stand up to anything a 6L6GC can handle.
              Originally posted by Enzo
              I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."

