Originally posted by Mike Sulzer
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Low Noise high gain amp based on 18W kit: How and why
Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.
Originally posted by nickb View PostComplete agreement. I'm just saying that if you do loose the input resistor on the original design so we are comparing apples to apples, then the noise is performance is better (in the original). The original has twice the gain and the two parallel triodes' noise sources are not correlated so it ends up with approx 2 x 2^0.5 ~= 2.8 times lower noise.
To eliminate the Miller effect, eliminate the feedback from plate to grid by grounding the plate and passing the signal to another tube cathode2cathode. Or use what people normally call the "cascode". I have explained why I like the circuit I used in he original post.
*But why would you want to put two tubes in parallel just so you can use half the value of grid stop resistor? You do not get the advantage of the quieter compound tube, just the reduced resistor. Why not eliminate the grid stop resistor, getting 3.4K rather than 33K + .75K, or 68K + 1.5K if you use just one tube?
Originally posted by Mike Sulzer View PostYes, for sure two tubes are quieter than one if they are put in parallel*, but two tubes are noisier than one if the cathodes are connected together. The question becomes how do you get rid of the grid stop resistor? To be sure of doing this you must eliminate the Miller effect. The apple2apple comparison is the working circuit, not the tubes alone.
To eliminate the Miller effect, eliminate the feedback from plate to grid by grounding the plate and passing the signal to another tube cathode2cathode. Or use what people normally call the "cascode". I have explained why I like the circuit I used in he original post.
*But why would you want to put two tubes in parallel just so you can use half the value of grid stop resistor? You do not get the advantage of the quieter compound tube, just the reduced resistor. Why not eliminate the grid stop resistor, getting 3.4K rather than 33K + .75K, or 68K + 1.5K if you use just one tube?
If we were to use an RC LPF in the input it would be a bit of a compromise between noise, suppression and loading on the pickups, although the latter may not be a problem with lower Z pickup designs.
The two tubes in parallel was the original circuit.Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.
Originally posted by nickb View PostOK. That's why the grid resistor should not be eliminated. In other words, the Miller effect works to our advantage by allowing us to use a lower series resistance and so lowers noise.
The two tubes in parallel was the original circuit.
Yes, two tubes in parallel was the original circuit. I just cannot see anything good about that design with such a large grid resistor: a 16.5 db degradation in potential SNR while attempting to reduce noise by putting tubes in parallel!
It’s great to see such an original design, and the discussion in the thread is very interesting.
But I don’t understand why eliminating the Miller effect would mean that no grid stopper is required. Doesn’t it work the other way around? If you eliminate the Miller effect then the input capacitance is very small and you need a bigger grid stopper resistance to get the same HF cut-off?
(Maybe I’m missing something here – it wouldn’t be the first time!)
Even with a conventional input stage you could get away with no grid stopper, if you are able to very carefully shield the input signal.
Originally posted by Malcolm Irving View PostIt’s great to see such an original design, and the discussion in the thread is very interesting.
But I don’t understand why eliminating the Miller effect would mean that no grid stopper is required. Doesn’t it work the other way around? If you eliminate the Miller effect then the input capacitance is very small and you need a bigger grid stopper resistance to get the same HF cut-off?
(Maybe I’m missing something here – it wouldn’t be the first time!)
Even with a conventional input stage you could get away with no grid stopper, if you are able to very carefully shield the input signal.
Originally posted by jazbo8 View PostVery interesting design, could you please provide the power supply voltages for the various stages?
Voltages in red.
Are people having trouble seeing this? In my browser, I just double click on it to put it into a separate large window (actually a tab) and click on it to zoom to even larger.
Originally posted by Mike Sulzer View PostVoltages in red.
Are people having trouble seeing this? In my browser, I just double click on it to put it into a separate large window (actually a tab) and click on it to zoom to even larger.
Originally posted by nickb View PostThe original stage gives the ENIV 2.67uV 100Hz-10KHz, gain 68.5 and -3dB at 7KHzLast edited by jazbo8; 04-08-2016, 06:10 AM.
Originally posted by jazbo8 View PostThank you for updating the schematic, I have no trouble seeing it in Google Chrome.
Is the 7kHz a typo? Seems awefully low...A bit of funger trible on the kalcalatr!
Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.
Originally posted by Mike Sulzer View Post"By eliminating the Miller effect you solved the stability problem but lost the suppression."
Eliminating RF from audio circuits does to necessarily work that way. This: http://audiosystemsgroup.com/SAC0305Ferrites.pdf discusses the issue and solutions.
The problem I have is we are not comparing like with like. We have eliminated the large series grid resistor and then claimed low noise performance due to the topology. I don't think that is fair.
Hopefully we can agree that it would be reasonable to compare what is above with the original design but with any ultrasonic oscillation suppressed. Low gm triodes are not particularly susceptible to this and so just a few hundred ohms (or perhaps even a ferrite) will be sufficient. Let's be excessive and say 1K ohm.
The ENIR will be about 1.6k/2*1.4 + 1k = 2.12k whereas this topology is around 3.2k. If we can use a ferrite for parasitic suppression, the performance would be even better. The point is that this design is noisier than the original as far as I can see ( which generally is not very far).
On a side note, I was using a simulator to derive the ENIV's earlier but I've found a case where I'm getting silly answers so I need to understand what is going on before presenting those as reliable.
On the side, of the side-note, I've suddenly stopped getting email notifications for this thread even though I'm still subscribed.Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.
Originally posted by nickb View PostIf we take it that this method is suitable then lets's apply it to both topologies.
The problem I have is we are not comparing like with like. We have eliminated the large series grid resistor and then claimed low noise performance due to the topology. I don't think that is fair.
Hopefully we can agree that it would be reasonable to compare what is above with the original design but with any ultrasonic oscillation suppressed. Low gm triodes are not particularly susceptible to this and so just a few hundred ohms (or perhaps even a ferrite) will be sufficient. Let's be excessive and say 1K ohm.
The ENIR will be about 1.6k/2*1.4 + 1k = 2.12k whereas this topology is around 3.2k. If we can use a ferrite for parasitic suppression, the performance would be even better. The point is that this design is noisier than the original as far as I can see ( which generally is not very far).
On a side note, I was using a simulator to derive the ENIV's earlier but I've found a case where I'm getting silly answers so I need to understand what is going on before presenting those as reliable.
On the side, of the side-note, I've suddenly stopped getting email notifications for this thread even though I'm still subscribed.