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ac travel adapter question

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  • ac travel adapter question

    A customer asked me an interesting question. He is going to Turkey to play gigs, and wants to take a Peavey Classic 30 amp with him. He wanted to know how to play the amp over there since it is wired for the US market. I suggested he get a travel AC adapter, but confessed I didn't know what it needed to be rated at, nor where to get one. Turkey has 220v 50Hz type F outlets. Rather than re-invent the wheel, has anyone here been there, done that already, or might shed some light?
    It's weird, because it WAS working fine.....

  • #2
    If you can't change the pt primary to the local supply you'll be looking at using a step up transformer. They're pretty heavy unfortunately.


    • #3
      Autoformer is what you're looking for. Like a transformer but only one winding. Imagine your variac, but stuck at one position, not variable. Power rating somewhere beyond what the amp will draw at full honk, and that may be expressed in watts or VA. A little one say 250 VA will be plenty enough, and you'll need the appropriate 220V plug, plus edison outlets for the 110-120V side. Something along these lines:

      $103 plus shipping, OW! Funny in the USA we pay up the wazoo for these things. I've found 'em in London and other European cities for typically a quarter that price or even less. Snoop around, you may find a better deal and I hope you do.

      If you need more than one edison receptacle you'd better carry along a plug strip. They're rare as rocking horse turds when you need 'em and not in USA/Canada.

      Gadget-adapters meant for electric shavers and such will either not work at all or go up in a cloud of smoke.

      you'll be looking at using a step up transformer.
      No, step down. The Peavey wants to see 110-120V I expect, not 440V. Of course I could be mistook...
      This isn't the future I signed up for.


      • #4
        Yeah, at 440v they are EXTRA loud.
        Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


        • #5
          Mouser $18.04+ shipping if he/ you don't mind putting it in a box and adding a fuse, cable and connectors. You could even mount it in the amp cabinet (hum into reverb permitting).
          Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.


          • #6
            That Mouser part is 100VA rated. I think that might be marginal for a Classic 30.


            • #7
              Here's a couple autoformers with good ratings, also Mouser, and affordable. I'm leaning toward the top of the list 200VA Triad, but you do have to provide your own safe packaging, plugs and AC lead.

              Seen plenty of 120V US amps in UK, on the continent, in Oz & NZ with autoformers bolted into the cabinet.

              250 VA Autotransformers | Mouser
              This isn't the future I signed up for.


              • #8
                Have your friend contact someone in Turkey that is arranging for the gigs - I'm pretty sure he's not just getting on a plane and hoping to arrange everything after arriving there. Have the contact in Turkey see if they can arrange to supply a local 240v-120V stepdown autotransformer for him.

                He needs to look at the ratings plate on the back of all his equipment. This is that label that lists the maker, model number and so on. It also tells the voltage range it takes, current needed, and power (in W or VA). All this needs added up to get the number of watts or volt-amps needed, and the autotransformer rated for the sum.

                If he needs to take an autotransformer with him, it would be far cheaper to ship it to a contact already in Turkey than to try to add it to his airplane baggage. Airlines are trying to wring dollars out of the passengers, and hauling a lump of iron will be cheaper by air freight than passenger plane. Probably true of personal luggage, too, as an aside.
                Amazing!! Who would ever have guessed that someone who villified the evil rich people would begin happily accepting their millions in speaking fees!

                Oh, wait! That sounds familiar, somehow.


                • #9
                  My customer is Turkish American, and kind of a big deal over there. He spends part of the year in SWFL, and part playing in Turkey. I am going to suggest building an auto tranny in a box, so he can use it with any amp from here. Thanks as always for the great advice and knowledge I always find from this group. I wish I could contribute more, but the waters are pretty deep here!
                  It's weird, because it WAS working fine.....


                  • #10
                    Agree with RG: why pay expensive air freight for a chunk of iron which is as common as dirt in Turkey?
                    And probably way cheaper there.
                    Have them buy 220/110V 300 or 500 W/VA autotransformer, with American outlets.
                    What he should carry is a couple ready made American type strips, to plug other stuff (pedal supplies, etc.) into it.
                    Even if "universal" 100 t0 270V SMPS , their plugs and wall sockets won't match, so .....
                    Juan Manuel Fahey


                    • #11
                      Such step-down transformers (230V->115V 200W with enclosure and input cable and output socket) are~45$ in Poland. In Turkey they should be the same or cheaper. Please note that the main voltage in Turkey is 230V/50Hz (like in almost whole Europe). The 220V voltage is incorrectly specified of various sites like "tripplanner" or similar. Their information is in most cases incorrect/outdated . It was probably collected 20-30 years ago but in the meantime there were changes.
                      I would arrange buying such a step-down transformer in Turkey and leave it there with family or friends for next gigs. I wouldn't like to carry it over Atlantic.
                      The next question is: does he really needs his amp with him? I know guys who travel from States to Europe and they bring just guitars and pedal-boards. The borrow amps locally.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gingertube View Post
                        That Mouser part is 100VA rated. I think that might be marginal for a Classic 30.
                        The Classic 30 claims a load of 75W on the rear. Course that'll be quite bit more VA. Pity they didn't give VA. Also the power transformers in these things are tiny.

                        Oddly, on checking the user manual they state 150W....! Clearly someone messed up here

                        Last edited by nickb; 05-26-2016, 11:37 AM. Reason: Updated info
                        Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.


                        • #13
                          Just sayin': very successful Ana Popovic Blues Guitar player does NOT carry her own amps (nor do backing musicians with their own stuff) but sends a "riser" in advance, stating what she needs to play.
                          You can download it from here:
                          but some copy and paste to save time:

                          BACKLINE ANA POPOVIC BAND
                          1. GUITAR AMPLIFIER :
                          • 1x Mesa Boogie Mark 4 head (NOT MARK 4 combo!!)
                          • 1x 2x12 or 4x12 speaker cabinet for guitar
                          • 3x guitar stands
                          • 1x DI BOX
                          In case a MARK 4 head & cabinet are NOT available please provide at least 2 of the following amps:
                          • Matchless HC30 or DC30
                          • Powerful Fender Bassman
                          • Fender Deluxe
                          • Fender Twin
                          • Marshall JCM 800 or 900

                          2. BASS AMPLIFIER 3 CORPS :
                          • 1x EBS TD650 + 2x4x10’’ Evolution Pro
                          • Ampeg SVT 3 + 1 cabinet 4x10’’ & 1 cabinet of 15”,
                          (or equivalent in Eden, Mesa, Swr or Mark bass)
                          • 1 stand guitar
                          3. DRUM SET :
                          • Standard maple set (Tama Star classic, Yamaha, Pearl. NO export model!)
                          • 1x Bass drum (22’’)
                          • 1x Snare (14”)
                          • 1x TAMA MetalSnare (14”)
                          • 1x Rack Tom (10’’)
                          • 1x Floor Tom (14’’)
                          • 1x Floor Tom (16’’)
                          • 4x cymbal stand and 1 x H.H stands
                          • Cymbal set: 1x ride, 1x Hi-hat, 2x crachs 17”and 18”. (Ziljian K or Meinl Byzance)
                          • 1x drums pedal
                          • 1x drum seat
                          • 1x carpet
                          • Skin: Evans G2 coated for snare and toms
                          • Evans eq or power stroke for bass drum
                          4. ORGAN :
                          • B3 or C3 with Leslie 122 or A100 with a Leslie 122
                          In a case that NO original Hammond is available please provide a:
                          • Korg BX 3 and tube leslie
                          • Motif ES 7 or ES 8
                          • Kurzweil eletric piano
                          5. VOCALS:
                          • 4x SHURE SM 58
                          (or AKG similar)
                          6. DIVERS :
                          • Minimum of 6 plastic bottles (still-) water
                          • 4 big clean towels
                          • 8 monitors
                          • 1 bar chair
                          7. RISERS :
                          • 1 drum riser (3m x 2m x 0,80m) cover with carpet
                          As you see, there is some (realistic) flexibility involved.

                          For those who don't know who she is, here's a free sample:

                          Americans don't like her very much: "a WOMAN playing hot Blues licks? a fit modern looking well dressed blonde girl singing "da Blooz" instead of some fat black girl? **European** musicians? "

                          a couple bonus tracks

                          ok, the point is: Pro musicians can play on a range of amps, as long as they are at a certain quality level or above.

                          FWIW a friend of mine has paid his Mesa Mark 3 head and Mesa 4 x 12" (2 x V30/90+2xEVM12L) matching combo by renting it to people such as John Mayall when they tour Argentina, go figure.

                          Local promoters prefer to pay his fees rather than excess luggage cost, which on a heavy amp is not small change.
                          Last edited by J M Fahey; 05-26-2016, 07:19 PM.
                          Juan Manuel Fahey


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by J M Fahey View Post
                            Just sayin': very successful Ana Popovic Blues Guitar player does NOT carry her own amps (nor do backing musicians with their own stuff) but sends a "riser" in advance.
                            In Europe such a document is called "rider" and "riser" is a stand for drummer .



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by J M Fahey View Post
                              Just sayin': very successful Ana Popovic Blues Guitar player does NOT carry her own amps (nor do backing musicians with their own stuff) but sends a "riser" in advance, stating what she needs to play.
                              It's a "rider" Juan, and I'm sure if they need them, risers are on the rider.

                              For those in need of hours of side splitting entertainment, "Smoking Gun" has lots of riders for bands of all sorts, and if that's not enough, politicians too!

                              One rider I got familiar with (What's their name? I can't tell ya...) had the artiste's requests for wine, all of the selections horribly misspelled. I mean, how difficult is it to copy the writing on the label for pete's sake? Of course this led to endless mixups and moments of levity when the promoter's assistant went shopping for the plonk.

                              Backstage | The Smoking Gun
                              This isn't the future I signed up for.

