I was hoping to get some thoughts on designing an input consisting of a more conventional cathode follower driving a grounded grid stage compared to Mike Sulzer's cathode coupled cascode, seen here:
(c'mon, admit it, "cathcode" is kind of a badass name for that circuit).
Here is a simple schematic drawing showing a conventional set up and Mike's input stage (ignore the lack of values in the first drawing, it is more to show the basic configuration).

Here are a couple of thoughts on Mike's design (the second circuit in the drawing above), and some of the things I like about it (please let me know if I'm incorrect in any of the following)...
Starting from the top down, a quick look at this design and one could almost mistake it for a Long Tail Pair with two 100K load resistors on each plate. However, the first triode is operating as a grounded plate stage, so the 100k resistor can actually be thought of as a B+ "dropping" resistor with the 10uF cap (which AC grounds the plate) as a filter capacitor. The 100K resistor on the second triode is acting as a traditional load resistor. But, here is the interesting thing–Because the both triodes have a grid bias of 0V ref to ground, and cathodes are operating at the same potential (and share the "long tail" resistor), the idle current is the same for both tubes. This means that, both triodes are operating with the same plate voltage at quiescence.
Another interesting thing happens under signal conditions. It looks to me (correct me if I'm wrong) like this is a completely non-inverting gain stage. As the grid voltage swings positive in the first triode, the current increases across the tail resistor and the voltage at the cathode "follows" the grid. Because the cathode of the second triode is directly coupled to first, the cathode voltage of the second triode also increases (and decreases) with the cathode of first triode. The second triode also operates as a grounded grid stage with the grid is held at a fixed voltage. So, in the second triode, as the cathode voltage swings positive, current decreases across the second triode's 100K load resistor (because the grid becomes more negative in reference to the cathode voltage). Likewise, when the cathode voltage swings negative, current increases across the 100K load resistor (because the grid voltage becomes more positive in reference to the cathode voltage). So, by gounding the grid of the second triode (keeping the input held at a fixed voltage), this circuit becomes fully differential, non-inverting gain stage.
Please tell me if I understand this correctly. If I do, I really like this configuration because it allows for DC coupling and solves some biasing problems one might encounter in a traditional grounded grid stage. But, what are some of the benefits and drawbacks of the first circuit vs the second in the drawing I posted. Also, what how do I calculate the input impedance in a traditional grounded grid stage?
I appreciate any thoughts. Thanks.
(c'mon, admit it, "cathcode" is kind of a badass name for that circuit).
Here is a simple schematic drawing showing a conventional set up and Mike's input stage (ignore the lack of values in the first drawing, it is more to show the basic configuration).
Here are a couple of thoughts on Mike's design (the second circuit in the drawing above), and some of the things I like about it (please let me know if I'm incorrect in any of the following)...
Starting from the top down, a quick look at this design and one could almost mistake it for a Long Tail Pair with two 100K load resistors on each plate. However, the first triode is operating as a grounded plate stage, so the 100k resistor can actually be thought of as a B+ "dropping" resistor with the 10uF cap (which AC grounds the plate) as a filter capacitor. The 100K resistor on the second triode is acting as a traditional load resistor. But, here is the interesting thing–Because the both triodes have a grid bias of 0V ref to ground, and cathodes are operating at the same potential (and share the "long tail" resistor), the idle current is the same for both tubes. This means that, both triodes are operating with the same plate voltage at quiescence.
Another interesting thing happens under signal conditions. It looks to me (correct me if I'm wrong) like this is a completely non-inverting gain stage. As the grid voltage swings positive in the first triode, the current increases across the tail resistor and the voltage at the cathode "follows" the grid. Because the cathode of the second triode is directly coupled to first, the cathode voltage of the second triode also increases (and decreases) with the cathode of first triode. The second triode also operates as a grounded grid stage with the grid is held at a fixed voltage. So, in the second triode, as the cathode voltage swings positive, current decreases across the second triode's 100K load resistor (because the grid becomes more negative in reference to the cathode voltage). Likewise, when the cathode voltage swings negative, current increases across the 100K load resistor (because the grid voltage becomes more positive in reference to the cathode voltage). So, by gounding the grid of the second triode (keeping the input held at a fixed voltage), this circuit becomes fully differential, non-inverting gain stage.
Please tell me if I understand this correctly. If I do, I really like this configuration because it allows for DC coupling and solves some biasing problems one might encounter in a traditional grounded grid stage. But, what are some of the benefits and drawbacks of the first circuit vs the second in the drawing I posted. Also, what how do I calculate the input impedance in a traditional grounded grid stage?
I appreciate any thoughts. Thanks.