Originally posted by Malcolm Irving
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I worked out the complex-number math for the shelving filter as well, but left it out of my calc, and just used a high-pass filter instead, because I didn't think it mattered. In hindsight, that was a poor decision, particularly for valves like the 12AX7, where gm is low enough that (1/gm) is not a whole lot smaller than a typical external cathode resistor. Nevertheless, the formula I gave is at least closer to the mark than f = 1/(2*pi*Rk*C), which is quite utterly wrong, and can be off by a factor of ten in some cases (if Rk is much larger than 1/gm).
The good thing is that my bringing up the original mistake triggered off lots of thought and activity here, and now those who don't want to mess with LTSpice or other full simulation software have a quick-n-dirty alternative in nickb's improved version of the calculator I posted. Yeah for Nick!
