I have an amazing sounding amp project. Using a PT from a conn organ it has two HT taps one puts out about 420v, other 520v to a pair of EL34 tubes(dont use the 520v setting much as I dont think current production tubes last long at that voltage). Its wired much like a modded marshall with an extra tube for a clean channel. So 2x el34 and 4 x 12ax7. The PT was originally powering 2 rectifiers 2 x 5v(not being used) 4x12v6, 6x12au7 and 2x6l6, has a center tapped filament winding . I had a challlenge with wiring the filament tap. The voltage was too high, not loading down enough..So my solution was to use the center tap as one end, so utilize only half the winding. THis gave me about 6.5v Perfect. Everything sounds great! Voltages seem right. Only concern is the PT gets a bit hot after 45min. Ive never had a PT get hot berfore. Worried it might have something to do with how I am using the filaments taps. Suggestions on how I should test to be sure its within a reasonable level? Thanks for any input.
