Is there any reason to solder resistors and capacitors directly to
the pots and jacks other than convenience ? In most cases I can
see that it saves a wire but in the case of the vibrato intensity pot
in brown fender amps the .1uf/200v cap could just as well have been
on the board.
I intend to use star grounding in my amp and it would be easier for me
to have the components on the boards rather than the pots and jacks.
Paul P
the pots and jacks other than convenience ? In most cases I can
see that it saves a wire but in the case of the vibrato intensity pot
in brown fender amps the .1uf/200v cap could just as well have been
on the board.
I intend to use star grounding in my amp and it would be easier for me
to have the components on the boards rather than the pots and jacks.
Paul P