So, I've got a power transformer I picked up a while ago that has been sitting and collecting dust. Figured I'd build something around it, but I can't really seem to decide just what I want to to build around it. So, I figured for the hey/fun of it I'd post the specs here and see if someone may have some idea's or suggestions.
About the only thing I know for sure is I want reverb and tremolo. The reverb will most likely be tube driven (not tranny driven) and the tremolo will most likely be one half a dual triode tube. So, essentially a 12ax7 and a 12au7 for those. With this tranny it's almost certain to be push/pull and I was thinking of using the long tail phase inverter. So, three dual triode preamp tubes at this point.
I've got 5y3, 5U4GB, and GZ34 tubes on hand and plenty of diodes for rectification.
I've got plenty of el84 tubes and a couple 6l6wxt output tubes on hand, but I can buy power tubes If need be - don't necessarily have to use what I have on hand.
I've also got a fair selection of dual triode preamp type tubes on hand.
I actually got some 7-pin power tubes and preamp tubes, but not thinking the power tubes will come in play with this tranny.
This is just all for fun, and low key, to build an amp for the hey of it, to use up a nice power transformer that needs a tube amp to call home.
Generally I just decide what I'm building and do it, but I'm curious what someone else might do with this tranny if they had it.
Here are the specs for the power transformer:
550 VCT @ 173 mA: 275-0-275 , 173mA , 5v @ 3A , 6.3v @ 5A
The 6.3v is center tapped.
It's a newer production tranny design for USA mains, so specs should be real close (it's a hammond tranny).
Thanks either way ahead of time...
About the only thing I know for sure is I want reverb and tremolo. The reverb will most likely be tube driven (not tranny driven) and the tremolo will most likely be one half a dual triode tube. So, essentially a 12ax7 and a 12au7 for those. With this tranny it's almost certain to be push/pull and I was thinking of using the long tail phase inverter. So, three dual triode preamp tubes at this point.
I've got 5y3, 5U4GB, and GZ34 tubes on hand and plenty of diodes for rectification.
I've got plenty of el84 tubes and a couple 6l6wxt output tubes on hand, but I can buy power tubes If need be - don't necessarily have to use what I have on hand.
I've also got a fair selection of dual triode preamp type tubes on hand.
I actually got some 7-pin power tubes and preamp tubes, but not thinking the power tubes will come in play with this tranny.
This is just all for fun, and low key, to build an amp for the hey of it, to use up a nice power transformer that needs a tube amp to call home.
Generally I just decide what I'm building and do it, but I'm curious what someone else might do with this tranny if they had it.
Here are the specs for the power transformer:
550 VCT @ 173 mA: 275-0-275 , 173mA , 5v @ 3A , 6.3v @ 5A
The 6.3v is center tapped.
It's a newer production tranny design for USA mains, so specs should be real close (it's a hammond tranny).
Thanks either way ahead of time...