So basically a mixing Buffer as an inverse of the common plate load mixer. You might have guessed, it's for a wet/dry signal mixer. I was hoping for some feedback on the design, and if it's worth a damn. It's basically the output amplifier stage for the unit.

The great news is I get to start breadboarding the submini stand alone reverb circuit next week. I just ordered the spring reverb unit from CE, lemme' catch you up to speed:
Following through on some direction from nickb and trobbins, I was able come up with a workable design for both the 12VDC heater and +240V HT supplies to run off a single 9VAC input supply. The power supply has come along quite nicely I think. But because the performance is so heavily dependent on careful component selection, it took a bit of time and research to dial in the simulation. I just need to run some real world test to confirm what I've simulated. But I was able to find and source all the components I needed. Here is a screenshot of an 800mS simulation of the Heater supply along with mouser links to the parts:

SB540 Schottky Diodes
(The esr ratings on those caps are ridiculous
The great news is I get to start breadboarding the submini stand alone reverb circuit next week. I just ordered the spring reverb unit from CE, lemme' catch you up to speed:
Following through on some direction from nickb and trobbins, I was able come up with a workable design for both the 12VDC heater and +240V HT supplies to run off a single 9VAC input supply. The power supply has come along quite nicely I think. But because the performance is so heavily dependent on careful component selection, it took a bit of time and research to dial in the simulation. I just need to run some real world test to confirm what I've simulated. But I was able to find and source all the components I needed. Here is a screenshot of an 800mS simulation of the Heater supply along with mouser links to the parts:
SB540 Schottky Diodes
(The esr ratings on those caps are ridiculous
