I'm about to embark on building a Weber 5G15 reverb kit.
I've been reading about the potential for ground loop hum problems with these units using modern 3-prong power cords. The solution seems to be to use a buss bar grounding scheme with a small ground lift circuit based around a 5w/15ohm resistor and some diodes in parallel.
My question is....is all this really a problem if the reverb and the amp in use are on the same wall outlet? All of my amps and effects are on the same breaker at the house. When I play live, I plug everything I use into the same power strip going into a single outlet. I've never encountered ground loop problems before.
I've been reading about the potential for ground loop hum problems with these units using modern 3-prong power cords. The solution seems to be to use a buss bar grounding scheme with a small ground lift circuit based around a 5w/15ohm resistor and some diodes in parallel.
My question is....is all this really a problem if the reverb and the amp in use are on the same wall outlet? All of my amps and effects are on the same breaker at the house. When I play live, I plug everything I use into the same power strip going into a single outlet. I've never encountered ground loop problems before.