Okay Everyone,
I feel like a dunder-head asking this, but I'll do it anyway.
I know we can stack electrolytic caps in series to boost voltage handling & that the values add like resistors in series. Can I also add non-polaeized caps in series to boost voltage handling?
This is for testing an amp tweak (conjunctive filter) that would call for a 1000V cap, which I don't have. I just wanna test the mod before I order some 1000V caps, because I'm pretty sure I'd hafta find a new vendor for them & that's kinda a P.I.T.A.
I feel like a dunder-head asking this, but I'll do it anyway.
I know we can stack electrolytic caps in series to boost voltage handling & that the values add like resistors in series. Can I also add non-polaeized caps in series to boost voltage handling?
This is for testing an amp tweak (conjunctive filter) that would call for a 1000V cap, which I don't have. I just wanna test the mod before I order some 1000V caps, because I'm pretty sure I'd hafta find a new vendor for them & that's kinda a P.I.T.A.