Originally posted by uneumann
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There are options that seems better and safer. The DN3545 is a mosfet with 10 ohm on resistance and rated at 450 volts. Or how about solid-state relays - they're rated at 300-400V. I suspect JFETS are attractive because they're cheaper. But if you really want to be sure something is safe and reliable, maybe cheaper isn't the only criteria to consider.
If you run a JFET without zener protection I don't see any harm coming to JFET due to the low current. The drain / gate junction can be forward biased on an overload and this needs to be considered in the gate drive. This will also lead to the the coupling capacitor charging and that could have unintended consequences. In the other direction lies the breakdown region but with low currents and so reversible
SSR are surely most the most robust but cost 20x to 40x that of a JEFT on quick look.
It seem to me that provided the largest voltage swing is a volt or two less than the used gate off voltage, JFETs are a great solution, zeners a matter of preference I think. If the swing is greater go for a MOSFET but protect the gate. For easy to use, go SSR.
EDIT: On reflection a single MOSFET won't work due to the intrinsic body source-drain diode. They are only suitable for unipolar applications.