Need some help here, i want to reduce the brightness of a amp, what will be the best option, of the foloowing two options?
1 - Reduce the brigth cap value from 470pf to 150fp, has seen in the schematic bellow
i have tried this option and it seems that the amp lost the bottom end tightness.
2- IF i add the the a grid stopper resistor of 470k,before the second gain stage like in the shematic bellow, will it reduce the overall brigthness, and keep the bottom end tight?
Need some help here, i want to reduce the brightness of a amp, what will be the best option, of the foloowing two options?
1 - Reduce the brigth cap value from 470pf to 150fp, has seen in the schematic bellow
i have tried this option and it seems that the amp lost the bottom end tightness.
2- IF i add the the a grid stopper resistor of 470k,before the second gain stage like in the shematic bellow, will it reduce the overall brigthness, and keep the bottom end tight?