Hi there
Being the novice that I am at building/designing amps I would be grateful for some advice/education about designing my 5F2A build. I am contemplating adding a screen grid resistor to prevent the output tube plate from dissipating to much power when the amp is being overdriven. I have, on pretty good authority, a local benevolent tech (who has been very helpful in supplying mustard caps and good NOS tubes tec), that a 10k 5W screen grid resistor with a 10uF 450V cap from the screen grid pin of the 6V6GT to ground will do the job. (Actually I am using one of those new 6V6GT "tung sol" octals, so I will venture an opinion of this when the thing is all fired up).
The power supply is a(n otherwise) standard 5F1 power supply with slight changes in values (20uF for the reservoir cap and 22uF for the next two decoupling caps. There is no choke and I am using 2 x 4k7 10W resistors in series, in lieu of the first supply (aka screen node?*) resistor - 10k 1W - in the original 5F1).
However, after looking at the design on Steve Milberger's DYI Princeton, he uses a 5k2W supply (aka the screen node?*) resistor between the first two filter caps and a 1k5 2W screen grid resistor and doesn't have any decoupling cap from the screen grid pin.
For Steve Milberger's schematic See:
Original 5F2A schematic:
Original 5F1 Schematic (for other ref to power supply):
I am taking a wild guess that the lower value screen grid resistor in Steve Milberger's design means both that:
a) the voltages with not be upset too much and there is no need for the extra decoupling cap. Whereas the way my good tech has advised to build it, there are no other changes to the power supply, so the larger 10k screen resistor would otherwise upset the voltage supply section more. (Please somebody correct me if I'm wrong here?); and
b) the voltages on the screen and plate in Steve Milberger's design are a lot closer to each other, whereas I am thinking that maybe the way my good tech is recommending, that the screen voltage is effectively being knocked-for-six, (or kicked-for-touch*), and that the output valve would therefore be functioning closer to triode mode that pentode mode? (am I wayyyyy off-beam here???).
I note in another discussions on this forum, that Bruce from Mission amps has recommended keeping the screen and plate voltages within a few volts of each other for quote "a happy tube life and a rockin' dog tone".
So if I put in a 10k screen grid resistor, while I might have a happy tube life, will I still have a rockin' dog tone? Or should I build it Steve Milberger's way? and If I do build it his way, can I get away with a 20uF reservoir cap off the recto tube (a 5Y3GT) or do I need to go to a 40 or 50uF?
I don't want to lose the class A/champ characteristics of the amp. Am I being too paranoid about overheating the plate? and should I just not bother about having any screen grid attentuation (like the original 5F2A)? Am I being too precious and will the tube handle it?
Link to tube spec: ... (Hang on a minute).....(well I was lookin' hard for a link to the Tung Sol 6V6Gt tube spec , but they don't seem to have this bit of the new-sensor site working today ;-0 ), but they ae supposedly designed to "safely handle the higher voltages used in guitar amps – plus heavier plate and grid materials". Without the tube specs I can't tell what they mean by that (Couldn't find it on Duncan's pages either)
So the new-sensor Tung Sol 6V6GT might possibly be able to go into a 5F2A without all this bother???
Comments/answers/responses welcomed please.
Does my going-round-in-circles drive anybody mad?
* = Pardon my ignorance, but is this the correct American terminology?
Being the novice that I am at building/designing amps I would be grateful for some advice/education about designing my 5F2A build. I am contemplating adding a screen grid resistor to prevent the output tube plate from dissipating to much power when the amp is being overdriven. I have, on pretty good authority, a local benevolent tech (who has been very helpful in supplying mustard caps and good NOS tubes tec), that a 10k 5W screen grid resistor with a 10uF 450V cap from the screen grid pin of the 6V6GT to ground will do the job. (Actually I am using one of those new 6V6GT "tung sol" octals, so I will venture an opinion of this when the thing is all fired up).
The power supply is a(n otherwise) standard 5F1 power supply with slight changes in values (20uF for the reservoir cap and 22uF for the next two decoupling caps. There is no choke and I am using 2 x 4k7 10W resistors in series, in lieu of the first supply (aka screen node?*) resistor - 10k 1W - in the original 5F1).
However, after looking at the design on Steve Milberger's DYI Princeton, he uses a 5k2W supply (aka the screen node?*) resistor between the first two filter caps and a 1k5 2W screen grid resistor and doesn't have any decoupling cap from the screen grid pin.
For Steve Milberger's schematic See:
Original 5F2A schematic:
Original 5F1 Schematic (for other ref to power supply):
I am taking a wild guess that the lower value screen grid resistor in Steve Milberger's design means both that:
a) the voltages with not be upset too much and there is no need for the extra decoupling cap. Whereas the way my good tech has advised to build it, there are no other changes to the power supply, so the larger 10k screen resistor would otherwise upset the voltage supply section more. (Please somebody correct me if I'm wrong here?); and
b) the voltages on the screen and plate in Steve Milberger's design are a lot closer to each other, whereas I am thinking that maybe the way my good tech is recommending, that the screen voltage is effectively being knocked-for-six, (or kicked-for-touch*), and that the output valve would therefore be functioning closer to triode mode that pentode mode? (am I wayyyyy off-beam here???).
I note in another discussions on this forum, that Bruce from Mission amps has recommended keeping the screen and plate voltages within a few volts of each other for quote "a happy tube life and a rockin' dog tone".
So if I put in a 10k screen grid resistor, while I might have a happy tube life, will I still have a rockin' dog tone? Or should I build it Steve Milberger's way? and If I do build it his way, can I get away with a 20uF reservoir cap off the recto tube (a 5Y3GT) or do I need to go to a 40 or 50uF?

I don't want to lose the class A/champ characteristics of the amp. Am I being too paranoid about overheating the plate? and should I just not bother about having any screen grid attentuation (like the original 5F2A)? Am I being too precious and will the tube handle it?
Link to tube spec: ... (Hang on a minute).....(well I was lookin' hard for a link to the Tung Sol 6V6Gt tube spec , but they don't seem to have this bit of the new-sensor site working today ;-0 ), but they ae supposedly designed to "safely handle the higher voltages used in guitar amps – plus heavier plate and grid materials". Without the tube specs I can't tell what they mean by that (Couldn't find it on Duncan's pages either)
So the new-sensor Tung Sol 6V6GT might possibly be able to go into a 5F2A without all this bother???
Comments/answers/responses welcomed please.
Does my going-round-in-circles drive anybody mad?
* = Pardon my ignorance, but is this the correct American terminology?