I got this bug up my butt to build a tube powered Wah-Wah pedal a couple of days ago and sketched a preliminary schematic yesterday.
I want to see if I can remove all the SS stuff from the signal chain and stil have a good sounding Wah. If it works at all it should sound different to say the least but maybe crappy.
This will be a dual rectifier build, and after the initial start up and testing and tweaking I want to have two 3 to 6 position rotary selector switches to re-voice it. I am curious how the tube rectifier and driver tube sag will affect the voice of the Wah.
This is my sketch,(sorry for the crummy drawng) if anyone has any comments, suggestions, coments, or other input please post.
I want to see if I can remove all the SS stuff from the signal chain and stil have a good sounding Wah. If it works at all it should sound different to say the least but maybe crappy.
This will be a dual rectifier build, and after the initial start up and testing and tweaking I want to have two 3 to 6 position rotary selector switches to re-voice it. I am curious how the tube rectifier and driver tube sag will affect the voice of the Wah.
This is my sketch,(sorry for the crummy drawng) if anyone has any comments, suggestions, coments, or other input please post.