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Weber Transformers

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  • Weber Transformers

    Does anyone have any direct knowledge or opinions that speak to the general quality of Weber transformers?

    I have read a few articles that suggest that he uses Chinese trannys and that they are inherently flawed from a quality and sonic standpoint.

    I am considering buying one (022798) to tweak a build of mine.

    I would think that with his rep in the speaker biz that he wouldn't want to harm that by selling junk.

    I am still new to sourcing parts and any advice would be appreciated.


  • #2
    I have built two Weber kits. 6A40 (BFSR) and a 5F6-A (Tweed Bassman). I think the trnsformers are good and haven't had any issues with them.

    Seems to be the same reaction on the forums on Webers site from others who use them also.


    • #3
      Hi Mike, I would have no hesitation in recomending Weber transformers. I've used them for a couple of projects and the PTs are very robust. I run 6L6s off my deluxe type, the B+ winding is rated at 150mA, but if I use anything less than a T500mA fuse between the CT and ground it blows when I'm maxxing the power amp overload. Bear in mind a T fuse takes a long time to blow for mild prolonged over currents. The PT gets hot but is happy to run at 400% overload for a hour at a time.
      I had a problem with an OT, but Ted replaced it no questions asked 7 months after I bought it, when the warranty period is 1 month, and with the shipping cost to the UK he lost money on it. The replacement has worked out fine.
      So good product, rock bottom prices and amazing after sales - why not? Peter
      My band:-


      • #4
        ive used one of his output trannies and 2 of the same power trannies. they sound good, but dont have anything to compare it to really though. one of my builds has more voltage than i thought it should, but it is a multitap tranny so it is fairly likely that i used the wrong combination of wires.


        • #5
          Most of this hype comes from Mercury Magnetics. While Merc has an excellent product from where I get some of my transformers and is true about some imported tranformers, this is mostly a sales throw.

          In regards to Weber, yes they are imported, but you can't bet em! Excellent quallity and price to boot. They are built to their exact specs. I have built several with Weber transformers and Mercs. I can't tell a difference.

          Most of Webers transformers have a lot of iron which increases the bandwidth with OT and stabilizes the PT power.
          Last edited by ronm; 02-19-2008, 05:14 AM.


          • #6
            I've been using a few of Ted's PTs and OTs with no problems so far. They are good people to deal with I think.


            • #7
              I've used a few of both the power and output trans and have had good results. One area where they may be due for criticism is the trannies for certain kits that do not give the correct voltage's per the vintage amp spec's. So if you're building say a 5E3 kit, and you want the voltages to be correct to the original specs, you may want to source the trannies elsewhere. On the other hand, if that is not critical to you and you want good quality at a good price, they fit the bill.

              Be aware that there is a bit of animosity between Weber and some others in the amp parts/kits business that may be responsible for some negative internet comments about the transformers. Users seem to have pretty favorable comments though, but I'm sure you can find some with negative comments too. In any business that is sure to be the case.

              Hope that helps,


              • #8
                Originally posted by hasserl View Post
                I've used a few of both the power and output trans and have had good results. One area where they may be due for criticism is the trannies for certain kits that do not give the correct voltage's per the vintage amp spec's. So if you're building say a 5E3 kit, and you want the voltages to be correct to the original specs, you may want to source the trannies elsewhere. On the other hand, if that is not critical to you and you want good quality at a good price, they fit the bill.

                Be aware that there is a bit of animosity between Weber and some others in the amp parts/kits business that may be responsible for some negative internet comments about the transformers. Users seem to have pretty favorable comments though, but I'm sure you can find some with negative comments too. In any business that is sure to be the case.

                Hope that helps,
                I second this comment. There are some people out there who don't like Ted and/or are jealous of his success and have an axe to grind and disparage all of his products just because of these other issues. I've never had an issue with any of Ted's products that hasn't been resolved quickly and without trouble by speaking to Ted about it. He defines good business, and has excellent products up and down the line.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by ronm View Post

                  Most of Webers transformers have a lot of iron which increases the bandwidth with OT and stabilizes the PT power.
                  Where the hell did you read that crock of shit?! The size of the stack-up is only a small part of the equation in getting a good power tranny or bandwidth in an output. You need to figure in intereave, leakage inductance, magnetizing inductance, copper losses, lamination grades, and the list goes on and on.

                  As for quality? Beats me...I've never used any of them but I've heard good and bad about them. And as the saying goes, believe only half of what you see and less of what you hear.

                  Carl Z


                  • #10
                    I had a power tranny go bad in my 18w TMB kit after a few months and they sent me replacement free, no questions asked.
                    Another tech/builder/friend told me they were from the far east while turning his nose up....

                    They sound fine to me and all of the amps I've put them in sound great.


                    • #11
                      I have absolutely nothing against Ted, I'm glad he's there. But isn't he the one selling a particular power transformer where the center tap isn't in the center? I recall some folks trying to fathom why the two ends of the PT secondary had different volts with respect to the supposed CT.

                      I don't know about anyone having an axe to grind, but I do see more and more - and not just in guitar amp world - people adopting a one strike and you're out attitude. Someone makes one mistake, and boom, that's it forever. Doesn't matter if it is a broken jack on a Fender, a bad experience with a PV dealer, an unreturned email from Mesa, once the sin is committed, then that company can do no right and all their products become worthless. I wouldn't be surprised if Ted gets some of that action, everyone else does.
                      Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


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