The tremelo circuit I'm using requires a 4 meg reverse-audio pot for the speed
control and a 10 meg reverse-audio pot for the intensity control :
I've bought these pots from Weber but am not terribly impressed with their
I'd like to simulate these pots using a rotary switch for a range selection and a
1 meg reverse-audio pot for fine adjustment. This works well for the speed
control, which is wired as a rheostat :
(leaving aside the fact that the resistors could be adjust to better reflect a
reverse log taper)
I have not been able to come up with a similar circuit for the intensity
control since it's wired as a potentiometer :
I could use just the rotary switch as a stepped attenuator but I'd like to use
a pot for fine adjustment within a step.
Is there any way to do this ?
Paul P
control and a 10 meg reverse-audio pot for the intensity control :
I've bought these pots from Weber but am not terribly impressed with their
I'd like to simulate these pots using a rotary switch for a range selection and a
1 meg reverse-audio pot for fine adjustment. This works well for the speed
control, which is wired as a rheostat :
(leaving aside the fact that the resistors could be adjust to better reflect a
reverse log taper)
I have not been able to come up with a similar circuit for the intensity
control since it's wired as a potentiometer :
I could use just the rotary switch as a stepped attenuator but I'd like to use
a pot for fine adjustment within a step.
Is there any way to do this ?
Paul P