ok, so you've got a voltage divider like the two 470k resistors coming off V1b's plate in a Marshall 2203.
By keeping the two resistors the same, the voltage at the end is the same whether they're 220k, 470k, or 1M.
I'm assuming the difference would be the current across the 220k will be different to the current across the 1Megs.
What difference in tone does this give?
I've found that keeping a 470k 'in line' but increasing the resistor to ground gives a thicker tone and similarly lowering that same resistor to say 220k gives a thinner tone.
Anyone got experieces with this?
By keeping the two resistors the same, the voltage at the end is the same whether they're 220k, 470k, or 1M.
I'm assuming the difference would be the current across the 220k will be different to the current across the 1Megs.
What difference in tone does this give?
I've found that keeping a 470k 'in line' but increasing the resistor to ground gives a thicker tone and similarly lowering that same resistor to say 220k gives a thinner tone.
Anyone got experieces with this?