I've been experimenting with some oddball projects. My current build uses a fairly large power transformer. The filament secondary tested about 6.7 V, no load. I just assumed the voltage would drop to a safe level when lighting the tubes. Heaters are wired as AC, no rectification, etc...
However, during testing, the preamp tube heater (12AX7) got very bright--and burned out. When I tested the voltage with a different VOM, I got a 7V reading. I should mention that the PT once powered 11 or 12 tubes, so no way would three tubes drop the voltage far enough..... Doh! Should have thought of that before.
So my thinking goes something like this:
--The 3 tubes in parallel draw a spec 2.7 amps @ 6.3
--So total resistance is about 2.3 ohms
--The way I figure, dropping the 7 V to ~ 6.3 would require a resistor around .25 to .3 ohms...(or maybe .4 to be safe.)
Am I way off here, or close? And am I missing a simpler solution?
However, during testing, the preamp tube heater (12AX7) got very bright--and burned out. When I tested the voltage with a different VOM, I got a 7V reading. I should mention that the PT once powered 11 or 12 tubes, so no way would three tubes drop the voltage far enough..... Doh! Should have thought of that before.
So my thinking goes something like this:
--The 3 tubes in parallel draw a spec 2.7 amps @ 6.3
--So total resistance is about 2.3 ohms
--The way I figure, dropping the 7 V to ~ 6.3 would require a resistor around .25 to .3 ohms...(or maybe .4 to be safe.)
Am I way off here, or close? And am I missing a simpler solution?