No schematic, but i can edit one if absolutly necassary. But same old 18 watt i been asking about forever now. This time with 2 6V6's tho, which has helped it sound a lot better. however, when i turn the post tone stack master up, the tone changes radically bu the time it's at about 1/3 of full volume. So i'm reading a post elsewhere where someone is describing the difference between various master volumes. He says the one i have changes the tone a lot. Agreed. then he says the cross line post PI master does not. I have wired these up before but always left the other master wired up and just turned it to 10. But this time i tried it and removed the pre PI master out of circuit. To my suprise the tone because horrible ratty/fuzzy and thin as he|| at any volume and even with the pregain turned way down.
This tells me there is a design flaw in the amp somewhere between the input and the crossline master. any idea what could cause this? My amp goes as follows....
input>68k grid stop>.022>1meg pot>100k stopper>.022>220k voltage divider>V2A>cathode follower>tone stack
basically same amp i've been posting schematics of in other threads with changes that won't make any differnce. (i figure same guys like Bruce and others wil be the ones replying
This tells me there is a design flaw in the amp somewhere between the input and the crossline master. any idea what could cause this? My amp goes as follows....
input>68k grid stop>.022>1meg pot>100k stopper>.022>220k voltage divider>V2A>cathode follower>tone stack
basically same amp i've been posting schematics of in other threads with changes that won't make any differnce. (i figure same guys like Bruce and others wil be the ones replying