Just out of curiosity, I have a question about the coupling caps in my Heathkit amp project.
Linked below is the schematic I'm working from. Notice how after V1a there's a .1 mfd cap then a resistor and another .1 mfd cap on the other side of the resistor. Same thing after V1b, except it's the vol control that sits between two caps.
I've never seen this sort of arrangement for coupling caps before. What is the theory behind this, what does it do? Could the .1 caps, for example, be thought of as one .05 cap in terms of bandwidth?
Thanks for any insight guys!
Linked below is the schematic I'm working from. Notice how after V1a there's a .1 mfd cap then a resistor and another .1 mfd cap on the other side of the resistor. Same thing after V1b, except it's the vol control that sits between two caps.
I've never seen this sort of arrangement for coupling caps before. What is the theory behind this, what does it do? Could the .1 caps, for example, be thought of as one .05 cap in terms of bandwidth?
Thanks for any insight guys!