My brain just sits there idle when i try and figure certain things out. This is one of those things. What is the difference between adding a series R at the input of a gain pot or the output. I know at the input it changes the pot's value and will reduce gain. But at the wiper what does it do? Does it just act as a grid stopper and not alter the way the pot works ?
second question.....can altering a stage cause the previous stage to become gainier? Or does it only affect anything AFTER the change? IE:, if i changed something at the 1st stage of the second AX7 that causes the preamp to have more gain, is it definatly after that point or could it be causing one of the V1 stages to have more gain?
second question.....can altering a stage cause the previous stage to become gainier? Or does it only affect anything AFTER the change? IE:, if i changed something at the 1st stage of the second AX7 that causes the preamp to have more gain, is it definatly after that point or could it be causing one of the V1 stages to have more gain?