In my research of RoHS, I have literally heard every angle on it and no one seems to agree. Some say that the lead free solder is as easy to work with as leaded solder. Some say that tin whiskers from lead free solder cause all kinds of problems. Some say that these whiskers only affect micro electronics. Some say that as long as you are selling your amps only in the USA, you can use leaded solder. Others have told me that California has adopted an RoHS-like directive and so you must comply even if you are selling only in the USA (unless you don't allow orders from people in CA). So what is the REAL deal? Can we please clear this up?. What I most want to know is if I can use non-RoHS compliant components and solder if I'm only selling in the US, and what the real deal about this California standard is. I'm also interested in reliability issues and what the best lead free solder alloy is.