I desperately need your help!
I am designing a descrete transistor power amp.
For now I am working on the preamplifier section and I have connected the output of the preamp to the feedback resistor.
My problem is located in the second stage(the voltage amplifier stage)
At first I use a constant current source of about 15mA.Everything seemed in my oscilloscope to work just fine for the case of simple transistor and for the case of darlington.
When I use darlington with cascode the noise goes so high that I can even see the waveform with that bias current of 15mA.The noise is reduced to a reasonable level when the current is
reduced to about 2.8 mA but this current is insufficient to drive the output stage with minimum distortion.
What are your suggestions.If the noise cant be reduced ,can I use the stage with current of 2.8mA and then design a buffer for next stage to "lighten" the load seen by the voltage amplifier stage.
I am adding images of the schematics for each case
Thank you.
I desperately need your help!
I am designing a descrete transistor power amp.
For now I am working on the preamplifier section and I have connected the output of the preamp to the feedback resistor.
My problem is located in the second stage(the voltage amplifier stage)
At first I use a constant current source of about 15mA.Everything seemed in my oscilloscope to work just fine for the case of simple transistor and for the case of darlington.
When I use darlington with cascode the noise goes so high that I can even see the waveform with that bias current of 15mA.The noise is reduced to a reasonable level when the current is
reduced to about 2.8 mA but this current is insufficient to drive the output stage with minimum distortion.
What are your suggestions.If the noise cant be reduced ,can I use the stage with current of 2.8mA and then design a buffer for next stage to "lighten" the load seen by the voltage amplifier stage.
I am adding images of the schematics for each case
Thank you.