I first tried this using a schematic which i have since forgotten. But i cannot recall if i put it in before or after the resistor that comes off the 16 ohm tap. So when i built this last amp i again included the cap, but i couldn't recall where it goes so i put it BEFORE the resisitor. On a side note, i use the cap without a pot. It's just full resonance all the time. So anyways, it's right after the 16 ohm tap, then the R is after that. question is, does it make any difference, and if so what? Heres the deal....i have a 100k pot and 22k R in series instead of just the 100k R itself. This allows me to vary the amount of NFB. But I'm wondering whether the cap would be better AFTER the pot/R. I could just do it, but i'd like to see if anyone can give me a reason why i should or shouldn't before i go slopping up the soldering that i so neatly did. I wanted this amp to stay clean unlike the last one where all the turrets and component leads are all sloppy looking from being resoldered a bunch of times. so i'd like to hear what ya'll think before i go doing that.
So just to clarify, the NFB loop is typicall JCM 800, but the difference is it goes 16 ohm tap>.0033 resonance cap>22k R>100k pot>on to typical NFB arrangment.
So just to clarify, the NFB loop is typicall JCM 800, but the difference is it goes 16 ohm tap>.0033 resonance cap>22k R>100k pot>on to typical NFB arrangment.