I spent a couple of days drawing out the layout and connections of this Teisco stereo pre-amp since I can't find a schematic. I'm starting to draw the schematic now from the layout but I would like someone to look at the drawing and compare to the schematic of the tone controls for channel one to see if I missed anything. I'm also using this to figure out why there is almost no volume from channel one but that's for the other forum. I just want to make sure it looks right. The drawing was made by looking at the actual pre-amp, double-checking at least three times and looking at photos I took of it (sometimes you see things in photos you don't see otherwise).
I will say this - it's NOT easy drawing a schematic from a layout on an amp that has so much going on.
I will say this - it's NOT easy drawing a schematic from a layout on an amp that has so much going on.