I've now seen a second "somewhat authoritiative" source suggesting that, for low-wattage single-ended service, a p-p tranny can be made more suitable, by use of adding resistance in-line with the plate and Hi-Z transformer primary: It is suggested that a low-value (~20-40 ohm) resistor can reduce dc saturation effects on a non-airgapped core <?>.
To me, it appears little more than attenuating the current being presented to the o/t, and (while sacrificing power) could have the same effect as changing bias or even simply reducing volume! Has anyone seen this assertion, and moreover; has anyone tested and found any value to this tweak?
To me, it appears little more than attenuating the current being presented to the o/t, and (while sacrificing power) could have the same effect as changing bias or even simply reducing volume! Has anyone seen this assertion, and moreover; has anyone tested and found any value to this tweak?