I had a customer drop off what I think is a dead stock, Black Face Princeton Reverb this weekend... but, it has what looks like a factory installed 12" speaker.
The correct year date is on the 12" speaker and the baffle board looks just like a standard mid 60's Fender baffle board with the right hardware on all eight studs. (Yes, I think I know what a real Fender baffle board and hardware looks like.)
Anyone ever seen this? Is it just a great looking fake one?
I can't remember ever seeing a dead stock Fender PR with a 12" speaker factory installed.
The owner swears up and down that it is the way he bought it years ago and from an elderly couple where it was not used much... and all that rot.
The correct year date is on the 12" speaker and the baffle board looks just like a standard mid 60's Fender baffle board with the right hardware on all eight studs. (Yes, I think I know what a real Fender baffle board and hardware looks like.)
Anyone ever seen this? Is it just a great looking fake one?
I can't remember ever seeing a dead stock Fender PR with a 12" speaker factory installed.
The owner swears up and down that it is the way he bought it years ago and from an elderly couple where it was not used much... and all that rot.