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Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
well, I got about 85vac on the socket that seems completely dead, and about 70vac on the other. So the OT is done? Is there anything I should check before replacing it so I don't ruin the new one? or should I just assume that the loose bias lead is what took out the old one?
That looks like an Ampeg transformer. Bruce might have a suitable replacement available or check out what's available at Allen amps, if you want to get the more correct type of replacement.
It looks like someone replaced the output tranny with a very large potted (read HiFi) OPT. You can see where the choke used to go; the holes right next to where it is now.
When unbolting it from the chassis, I found that I could remove one screw from the eyelet board and just get a wrench on the nuts. I think that's why it was mounted so close to the PT. Any farther over would have required removal of the eyelet board to access the mounting studs.
Bruce: I hope you are still following this thread. I hooked my old DMM like you suggested from lug 3 to center. and didn't get any change in B+ v. I then put the tubes in from my other amp (without the shunt) and re-measured. With those tubes I am getting around 493v. That's still more than the schem. says. but then it also says +or- 20%! So is 493v in the acceptable range? or in other words, Does it sound like everything is working okay except the OT and the old tubes?
I don't mean for that question to be just for Bruce. If anyone else wants to weigh in, that would be great too.