My beloved 1965 blackface Fender Deluxe Reverb has been misbehaving -- The volume will sometimes suddenly get very loud and distorted. Seems to happen randomly - not necessarily after getting hot.
I have to turn the guitar volume down to 3 or 4 to cause any decrease. And below that there is no volume at all.
Could it just be a faulty volume pot? They are well-lubed with DeoxIt but I confess that the volume pot has been sitting on 2 for many years!
Any suggestions appreciated!!
I have to turn the guitar volume down to 3 or 4 to cause any decrease. And below that there is no volume at all.
Could it just be a faulty volume pot? They are well-lubed with DeoxIt but I confess that the volume pot has been sitting on 2 for many years!
Any suggestions appreciated!!
