Looking for Max Butler Amp owners. Max builds Plexi and Fender amp builds, has built 350-400 in the last 32 years. All amps say "Butler" on the front and back, 90% of the builds are a head and 1x12 cab - but other configurations are out there. Max is in Eaton Rapids, MI - still building amps, 76 years old. He has no online presence, no ads, no business - he just builds amps. Bulletproof, beautiful sounding amps.
If you own a Max Butler amp - I'd like to hear from you, and get a picture if I could. I'm trying to put a photo gallery together for Max with all the Butler amps in existence I can find.
If you own a Max Butler amp - I'd like to hear from you, and get a picture if I could. I'm trying to put a photo gallery together for Max with all the Butler amps in existence I can find.