I've been in touch with Charlie Knox - the Dallas Arbiter Tech during
their stay in Mahwah New Jersey - USA.
I knew Charlie prior to the SMF series coming out - these amps are
the net result of his years of Hot Rodding SOUND CITY amps for
Leslie West and others - mine included
He did the Exterior Cabinet layouts - which were then sent to England
for sourcing and construction.
I am looking for the SMF Speaker Cabinet metal protective corners -
these are HUGE - looks like something from an Airport Shipping Container.
I realize D-A have been 'out of it' for awhile - does anyone have a 'Grape-Vine'
for info ?
I'm currently running a SOUND CITY Tour Series 120 - Black front panel -
which is the last model Dallas Arbiter produced before ceasing production.
Without a doubt the best AMP I've owned - puts Vintage MARSHALLs 'brown sound' to shame.......... and not a thing about this AMP on the .net @ the S C site either.
all input Greatly Appreciated!
new york
their stay in Mahwah New Jersey - USA.
I knew Charlie prior to the SMF series coming out - these amps are
the net result of his years of Hot Rodding SOUND CITY amps for
Leslie West and others - mine included

He did the Exterior Cabinet layouts - which were then sent to England
for sourcing and construction.
I am looking for the SMF Speaker Cabinet metal protective corners -
these are HUGE - looks like something from an Airport Shipping Container.
I realize D-A have been 'out of it' for awhile - does anyone have a 'Grape-Vine'
for info ?
I'm currently running a SOUND CITY Tour Series 120 - Black front panel -
which is the last model Dallas Arbiter produced before ceasing production.
Without a doubt the best AMP I've owned - puts Vintage MARSHALLs 'brown sound' to shame.......... and not a thing about this AMP on the .net @ the S C site either.
all input Greatly Appreciated!
new york