But seriously, if your feedback polarity is correct, the presence pot should be effective. Check for a 4K7 resistance to ground from the feedback yellow wire going to the pot, check the pot, the capacitor, etc... The entire phase inverter network depends on that 4K7 to ground resistor(R20).
The presence control works, basically, as a "reverse tone control" by killing mid/highs from the feedback signal, letting the amp become open loop (a.k.a. "maximum gain possible", whatever that is) at high frequencies.
How much can it boost?
Maximum: whatever gain was attenuated by the NFB loop.
Since guitar amps usually have low NFB, in the order of 6/8dB , that's the max. "boost" you can have.
Now, the PPIMV is *within* the amp gain stages, right between the PI and the output tubes (duh !); as soon as you lower it a little, you kill your presence pot, since there is no extra gain free for it to act.
In my "Angus" JTM45 cousin, I added a "Rage" switch which killed NFB for a looser, dirtier sound , and had to warn users that it killed the Presence pot too.
So, in a nutshell: don't worry, it's normal.