Hello everyone, I would like to build a 2 button RCA footswitch for my 65' super reverb (reverb and trem). Considering the replacement footswitches are around the $40+shipping range,I have decided just to make one. I want to simply order a box, put two switches in it and two RCA jacks so I can remove the actual cable.However, I would not mind adding LED's to this mix. I have noticed some of the newer footswitches have LED's but there is no power in the footswitch. Can I do this with my amp? If not that is fine also. I know this build will be very simple, but is there anyway someone could get me a layout of this or just draw one out on Microsoft paint? I am trying to save money, and I do not want to waste money ruining something. I want to make sure I am doing every single step right. I am assuming that I need these supplies: 1 enclosure of any type, 2 dpdt switches, 2 RCA jacks, (possibly two LED's?) and the RCA cable itself. Anything else I should know?