I just acquired this little 3 tube amp. It's from the 1960's. All original and fairly clean. The circuit is really simple compared to what goes on here.
It has a 60Hz buzz and I'm not sure what could be causing it.
After perusing here for the past year I've actually learned a few things - twisting wires to reduce hum, shielding inputs etc. but this is a unique amp. Note the wiring.
I just tested the tubes and they all came out in the green zone on an RCA tube tester. (There's a recycled electronics place in town with every component one could imagine and they have the RCA unit there.)
It uses a 12AU6 pentode sharp cutoff for the input
A 50C5 beam power amplifier to power the speaker
and a 35W4 half wave rectifier to heat it up.
The power rail has no resistors to alter the voltage so they all get 90v right from T1 (according to the schematic).
The unusual component is the "UNE CAP". It's 3 caps in one!
If I were to guess, I'd have to say the UNE CAP is the noise inducing culprit. Either that or the lack of proper wire routing? Though I assume they built it with no noise and the wires haven't moved in 60 years. Most of the caps are ceramics.
There is only one manufactures schematic which is nearly impossible to read, so I used DigiKey's "SchemeIt" online program to create the schematic as best I could. It wouldn't allow values to be inserted so I had to use an editing program to effect that. The "35W4" icon on my drawing isn't schematically correct, couldn't find a halfwave. The on/off switch is in the Tone pot.
I also took photos of the inside wiring etc.
I haven't measured voltages yet, but will get to that eventually.
Any suggestions as to what to check? Correct? I'm not sure if I can even find that UNE CAP anywhere, so I may have to use 3 caps if removed?? I'm thinking this could be the culprit as its 60uF, 40uF, 20uF seem to be acting as some sort of filter.
It has a 60Hz buzz and I'm not sure what could be causing it.
After perusing here for the past year I've actually learned a few things - twisting wires to reduce hum, shielding inputs etc. but this is a unique amp. Note the wiring.
I just tested the tubes and they all came out in the green zone on an RCA tube tester. (There's a recycled electronics place in town with every component one could imagine and they have the RCA unit there.)
It uses a 12AU6 pentode sharp cutoff for the input
A 50C5 beam power amplifier to power the speaker
and a 35W4 half wave rectifier to heat it up.
The power rail has no resistors to alter the voltage so they all get 90v right from T1 (according to the schematic).
The unusual component is the "UNE CAP". It's 3 caps in one!
If I were to guess, I'd have to say the UNE CAP is the noise inducing culprit. Either that or the lack of proper wire routing? Though I assume they built it with no noise and the wires haven't moved in 60 years. Most of the caps are ceramics.
There is only one manufactures schematic which is nearly impossible to read, so I used DigiKey's "SchemeIt" online program to create the schematic as best I could. It wouldn't allow values to be inserted so I had to use an editing program to effect that. The "35W4" icon on my drawing isn't schematically correct, couldn't find a halfwave. The on/off switch is in the Tone pot.
I also took photos of the inside wiring etc.
I haven't measured voltages yet, but will get to that eventually.
Any suggestions as to what to check? Correct? I'm not sure if I can even find that UNE CAP anywhere, so I may have to use 3 caps if removed?? I'm thinking this could be the culprit as its 60uF, 40uF, 20uF seem to be acting as some sort of filter.