Originally posted by aab0mb
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First of all, when you measure voltages, it's good practice to specify exactly what you're measuring. So please let us know what kind of voltages you are measuring. When measuring the power supply, it's actually helpful to take both AC and DC measurements at each node and list both.
I'm assuming those are DC measurements. Wow, they're high. You don't have a DC voltage for the OT's center tap (Node A). That is the first voltage that I would write down, as it is the reference point for everything else. It's really important to know. Be sure to get that, and re-measure everything else at the same time that you measure Node A.
Also, we need to know the plate voltage numbers on the tubes, which corresponds to the DC voltage on the OT's outer taps. My recollection is that you got no voltage at the plates, which reflects a problem that needs to be addressed. If you're getting high voltage on the OT center tap but nothing on the tube plates, that doesn't bode well for the status of your OT, and you may need to troubleshoot it.
Node B goes to the screens. That's 490 Volts, presumably DC, without any sort of current limiting resistor. Yikes. Those are some high voltages. Screen dissipation limiters are going to be need to be added in any amp that you'd end up building, especially when voltages are sky-high like these seem to be.
These voltages are going to help define what kind of tubes you can end up using. 6V6 and 6L6 are really under stress at voltages like that.