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1938 (?) Gibson amp shematics

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  • 1938 (?) Gibson amp shematics

    Hello ,

    I acquired an antique Gibson branded guitar amp from my grandmother years ago .

    Recently became interested in knowing more about it and attempt to have it return to
    working condition .

    Been told not to mess with the overall condition (i.e. covering peeling off ) but it would be
    more valuable if it was in working condition .

    This amp is at least 70 + years old and I'm quite sure the oil-impregnated paper inside of the
    capacitors are dried out or at least very questionable .

    Capacitors make an awful loud bang when they short out and could start a fire too .

    So if anybody knows something or has an authentic schematics of a Gibson amplifier from around the late 1930' to
    just before WW 2 , write to me and let me know what ya have .
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Please tell us the tube types (part numbers) installed.


    • #3
      Attached is an old Gibson schematic that may represent the circuit in your amp.
      One issue with these old amps is that there was little configuration control. There were lots of undocumented circuit variations and often significant differences between production amps that shared a common model name. If the amp looks original inside the chassis then you have the option to trace out the circuit and draw your own schematic.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        That drawing does look like it might fit your amp, field coil and all.

        This is not a complex amp. When I get an old one like this, I usually just draw up my own schematic from the circuit.
        Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.

