Hey All.
I am new to the forum, I a player but noodle in guitar/amp/pedal design and building.
I recently bought a "Twin Reverb Head". At least that's how it was billed to me when I bought it. It housed in a Dual Showman Cab and I believe the trannies/Chassis are from the same.
I was wondering if someone could eyeball this gut shot and tell me if it's even close to an AB763 Twin. I can provide the cap values if necessary.
I wasn't sure if you guys get this a lot and if you frown on players posting gut shots asking these kind of questions then I'll buzz off

I am new to the forum, I a player but noodle in guitar/amp/pedal design and building.
I recently bought a "Twin Reverb Head". At least that's how it was billed to me when I bought it. It housed in a Dual Showman Cab and I believe the trannies/Chassis are from the same.
I was wondering if someone could eyeball this gut shot and tell me if it's even close to an AB763 Twin. I can provide the cap values if necessary.
I wasn't sure if you guys get this a lot and if you frown on players posting gut shots asking these kind of questions then I'll buzz off
