I'm working on a Lectrolab R400 guitar amp, and I decided to run some checks on the output transformer.
This is a single 6V6 amp, and the amp has what appears to be the original 8 Ohm Quam speaker. However, tests on the output transformer show that the primary OPT impedance is around 16k Ohms @ 1kHz with an 8 Ohm resistors on the secondary. It appears, as far as I can tell, to be the original output transformer. The OPT has an additional output tap, but that one measures even higher, like 35k into 8 Ohms.
These amps aren't very well-documented. Were they the type of budget amp where the builders just sort of threw together whatever surplus parts they could get whether or not it was technically right?
This is a single 6V6 amp, and the amp has what appears to be the original 8 Ohm Quam speaker. However, tests on the output transformer show that the primary OPT impedance is around 16k Ohms @ 1kHz with an 8 Ohm resistors on the secondary. It appears, as far as I can tell, to be the original output transformer. The OPT has an additional output tap, but that one measures even higher, like 35k into 8 Ohms.
These amps aren't very well-documented. Were they the type of budget amp where the builders just sort of threw together whatever surplus parts they could get whether or not it was technically right?