I have a mid 60s Watkins Scout here. I just fixed the tremolo by replacing a couple of caps in the phase-shift network of the oscillator.
Couldn't find a schematic anywhere, but it seems to share the trem circuit of the Watkins Westminster(V1A and V1B)
It is not as other trem circuits.
V1B is the oscillator and the trem works by modulating the plate voltage of V1A. But why does the footswitch go to the output of V1A? And what is that 50nF cap from the plate of V1b to ground?
Couldn't find a schematic anywhere, but it seems to share the trem circuit of the Watkins Westminster(V1A and V1B)
It is not as other trem circuits.
V1B is the oscillator and the trem works by modulating the plate voltage of V1A. But why does the footswitch go to the output of V1A? And what is that 50nF cap from the plate of V1b to ground?