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Help Dating A Speaker Cab (Fender)

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  • Help Dating A Speaker Cab (Fender)

    If anyone can give some info this beautiful piece It would be much appreciated.

    The cab is a Fender Bassman 4x12
    The logo is missing but you can tell it has been there for a long time.(See Pics)

    There are no model numbers that I can find anywhere. The guy I bought it from said the guy he bought it from said it was a circa 1965.

    The speakers are not original. (Although I don't know what original ones go in here.)

    The speakers are arranged in the diamond inward pattern. (See Pics)

    There are (rusty) casters.

    I would love ANY INFO on this. Maybe a link to somewhere with more info or photos.

    Thank you.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I don't think Fender was using eight screws to mount speakers in the '60's. Those could have been added later though and might not be factory original.

    Also, I don't recall seeing any '65ish fenders with that grill cloth. Again it might not be original.

    I'm not an expert by any stretch. Maybe someone else will have a better handle on this but, I doubt it's from '65. I'm not really sure I'd even believe it's Fender, not original anyway.


    • #3
      I was thinking the same. I'm more convinced it looks like a 70s era. Based on the grill cloth.

      The cab is solid wood BTW.


      • #4
        Also the 2 speakers that are in there are Celestion G12L's rated at 8 ohms each.

        Can't find info online anywhere. Anyone tell the wattage capacity?


        • #5
          Solid wood?


          • #6
            I guess i mean it's a solid knock with tree rings in it.


            • #7
              Sorry, it just didn't look that way in the pic.

              I think the G12L is 25W. There is also a G12L-35 and G12L-55.


              • #8
                Yea you can only see it from the inside of the holes.

                I was able to find the G12L-35 and wondered if they were similar.

                25 watts sounds about right.


                • #9
                  This is almost like a real-time conversation. :-)


                  • #10

                    So if these are both 25W each are they going to be 50W combined whether I wire them in series or parallel? Or does it matter?

                    Also, whether they are 25W or 50W they should not be connected as an external cab to my 60W Fender Hot Rod Deluxe right? Not good?
                    The amp must put out less than 50W to be ok?



                    • #11
                      Yes, regardless of wiring them series or parallel the wattage will be additive so, 50W either way.

                      Generally you wouldn't want to hook those to your HRD and crank it. The peaks will be greater than 60 watts once you get the output tubes crunching. I suppose if you were going lower levels and clean you'd probably be okay. I'd probably not risk it.


                      • #12
                        Ok so then my 5W Epiphone Valve Junior will be fine?


                        • #13

                          They'd probably sound really great in an 18 watt Marshall style amp.


                          • #14
                            Awesome. Thanks for all the information.

                            If you remember/find anything else on this let me know.


                            Also, What ohm rating speakers are good for guitar? I wanted to buy 4 new ones for this cab. (12")

                            I guess what I'm saying is that impedance should this cab be in? 8ohm? So Does that mean I buy 16 ohm or 4 ohm speakers or what?

                            Thanks again!


                            • #15
                              It depends on what your amp wants to see. Personally, if I wanted a cab that I might be using with any number of different heads, I'd go for an 8 ohm cab.

                              If you want an 8 ohm cab, you could use 4 x 8 ohm speakers in a series-parallel or parallel-series scheme and you'll have an 8 ohm cab.

                              You could wire 4 x 16 ohm speakers in paralell and get a 4 ohm cab. Or wire them in series-parallel or parallel-series for a 16 ohm cab.

                              4 x 4 ohm speakers in a series-parallel or parallel-series will give you a 4 ohm cab.

                              I'm not really sure how good that oddball cab will sound for guitar though.

