hey guys, I just got a 66 black face bassman a couple weeks ago and I love it. However I was playin it yesterday and I heard some ringing like microphonic noise for a few seconds. Then there was a considerable volume drop followed by a burning smell and then nothing. At that time I switched it to standby and powered it down. I took the amp apart and gave it a once over and there was no apparent burn damage. The tubes looked fine too. I'm not sure about the filter caps because I didn't look at them. Does any one have any ideas what could have happened?? Did I fry my new beloved amp?? The bassman is a stock ab165 for the most part it is almost all original parts. I could only find 1 cap that wasn't stock, as I said before I have not looked at the filter caps. The one mod that has been done is the output transformer has been replaced and the output tubes converted to el 34s. I had read on the vintage amps forum that the black face bassmens were 4 ohm output. So I plugged it in to my 4-12 at 4 ohms and got fireworks inside the output tubes?? It worked fine for a few days after that but I was playing it safe running it at 16 ohms. Is it possible that because of the tranny change that my amp is operating at a higher ohmage and I fried my EL 34's even though they still appear fine?? Is there a way i can test the tubes??
please somebody help me
please somebody help me